The Avon Local Schools work closely with families, agencies, and staff to determine appropriate services and supports for all students with disabilities. Students can be referred for assessment by parents, teachers, or other individual who has first-hand knowledge of the student's educational progress. A student is eligible for special education services by qualification in one of the disability categories defined by IDEA. A plan, called an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed by the team to clearly identify goals, services, accommodations, modifications, and other supports.
Child Find
The Avon Local Schools conducts Child Find activities in an effort to identify, locate and evaluate all children, birth through 21, who may have disabilities. Public schools are required to provide a free appropriate public education regardless of a child's disability. But before school districts can serve children, the children must be found. Many children with disabilities are not visible because they do not function in the mainstream of the community. They may be children who are homeless or children of migrant families. Also, many unidentified children with disabilities are preschoolers. Parents may not be aware their child has a disability or that there are programs and services available. These services are provided without charge to families who live in the school district. The purpose of Child Find is: to identify children who are having difficulty in their development and to provide services to them, when it is appropriate.
Parents/guardians who contact Child Find may have concerns about their children's development in the areas of: hearing, vision, speech/language skills, motor skills, thinking skills and emotional or social skill. All information collected will be held in the strict confidence. The Avon Local Schools has policies and procedures for special education available, and has appointed one person to make sure that such procedures are followed.
If you have or know of a child who may have a disability, contact the Avon Local Schools at 934-4246 for more information and assistance.
Public Participation Opportunity
The Avon Local School District receives federal funding through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B grant to assist with the education of students with disabilities, ages 3 through 21. Members of the community who would like to learn about and comment upon how the district intends to spend its federal IDEA funds are invited to contact Mr. Jason Call, Director of Student Services at 440-934-4246 or at [email protected].
Community members also have the opportunity to learn about and comment upon how the District plans to spend to spend its Federal IDEA funds at an upcoming Avon Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.